New. How “To Protect and Serve” has been rejected and replaced with “Serving our Communities as our Families” |
There were times when the creed “To Protect and Serve” blanketed communities with a sense of safety, and security. Later however, that creed turned into a motto emblazoned on the doors and fenders of police patrol cars, seemingly advertising the concept that the police would “protect” and “serve” the community selflessly, and honorably. Continue Reading>> |
New Response to the Government’s Opposition to the First Amended Complaint |
… the Defendants should take Plantiff as they injured him… junjuries accruing from nearly two years of torture by Defendants and theirs staff, which included but not limited to: sexual abuse by a Sheriff’s Deputy; sexual abuse by inmates; physical abuse by Sheriff’s Deputies; physical abuse by inmates; malnutrition; sleep depravation; medical neglect; retaliation by staff for filing a PREA report…; unwarranted punishment in the “hole”; deprivation of fresh air and sunlite; threats of imminent and grievous harm by staff; religious persecution and… Continue reading >> |
New Blog Post “The Leprechaun” |
The events detailed in this short work of non-fiction are supported by records available through the Colorado Open Records Act; including El Paso County Jail’s records; security camera videos, and LeChiffre’s Grievance filed through the Jail’s internal email system. Continue reading >> |