LeChiffre v. Eblen | Original Verified Complaint

2. Defendant, Bradford Eblen, is a resident of Colorado, and pretrial detainee at the Adams County Sheriff’s Detention Facility, in Adams County, Colorado.

3. On information and belief, Eblen has been charged with at least three felony counts in People of Colorado v. Bradford Eblen.

4. On information and belief, Eblen has been charged with Sexual Assault on a Child.

11. On information and belief, Eblen has a history of offering “Jail-House” informant testimony and/or information at the request of law enforcement in order to avoid criminal liability for his unlawful conduct.

13. On information and belief, Eblen has a history of offering “Jail-House” informant testimony and/or information at the request of law enforcement in order to lessen severity of his unlawful conduct.

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